the person

Curiosity killed the cat they say, but I would argue that without curiosity, one is not really living life to the fullest. I guess that sums me up, someone who is constantly curious - always wondering, thinking and questioning. Rather annoying sometimes I guess?

This curiosity with people, culture and things is also the reason why I love to travel to different places. Meeting people, talking to them, trying out the small food vendors, clubbing at the different local clubs and what have you. That's is the point of seeing the world isn't it.

I guess this why I love my day job - a qualitative researcher at Flamingo! I call myself a professional gossip, I speak to people for a living, think about what they said in the context of the culture, and present a strategic report to my clients. It is quite exciting to be honest because there's always something new to learn about everything.

Why this blog? Because I felt that I need a space to document my little nuggets of thoughts here and there, so hopefully you will enjoy reading my deliberate rumination as much I enjoy writing it.

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